Landing craft picks up passengers after a visit to Acadia National Park's Baker Island

Landing craft picks up passengers after a visit to Acadia National Park’s Baker Island

The National Park Service works in conjunction with local boat tour operators to provide visitors to Acadia National Park the opportunity to see the park from the water and to visit some of the smaller islands. Rangers serve as guides on the tours. At the time of this writing there are two cruises being given. Each has its own seasonal schedule that runs sometime between May and Columbus Day. I attended both tours, one of which departs from Bar Harbor. When taking any type of tour leaving from Bar Harbor, unless you are staying in town, I highly recommend taking the free Island Explorer Shuttle Bus, otherwise you could be driving around in circles looking for a parking space. I missed one tour I paid money for due to this very reason. If the bus doesn’t stop near your hotel or campground, park at the Hulls Cove Visitor Center and catch the bus from there. The dock is a five minute walk from where the bus drops off passengers at the Village Green in the downtown area.

See the following reviews for more details on two of the tours:

Baker Island Cruise

Islesford Historic and Scenic Cruise

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Last updated on August 28, 2023
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