Andersonville National Historic Site | PICNIC AREA

Picnic area at Andersonville National Historic Site

Picnic area at Andersonville National Historic Site

Andersonville National Historic Site has a large picnic area located on POW Road just before the turnoff for the Visitor Center and the Andersonville Prison site. Close to two dozen tables—no grills—are situated in a nicely shaded field. Across the road is a large, open field that is ideal for playing games. To the best of my knowledge the site cannot be reserved, and all tables are taken on a first come, first served basis.

There is no restroom at the picnic area, but there is one at the Visitor Center a quarter mile down the road.

Picnic area at Andersonville National Historic Site

Picnic area at Andersonville National Historic Site

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Last updated on May 2, 2022
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