Boca Chita Key is the most popular of the three tourist-friendly islands in Biscayne National Park, and on weekends during the tourist season (October through April) most likely all dock spaces in the harbor will be full by noon. It should be no problem to get a space during the week. I visited on a Thursday in early March and the harbor was about 60% full. Overnight docking is limited to 14 consecutive days, and 30 days total per year. All dock spaces are taken on a first come, first served basis.
Boats dock using cleats along the bulkhead of the harbor, like parking along a curb on the road. This means that large boats can take up a lot of “parking spaces,” thus there is no set number of boats that can dock at one time. Boats are allowed to raft two deep to add additional room.
If you are trying to camp on the island and there are no long-term dock spaces, you can access the temporary dock space to unload your gear and then anchor offshore, though you must wade or swim back if you do not have a dinghy. This is a party island and many boats come for the day, so it is possible that dock space may free up after sunset. Any boats remaining after this time must pay the overnight docking fee, which includes being able to tent camp if desired. There is no fee before sunset. Get the current fees on the National Park Service’s official Camping web page Biscayne National Park.
Anyone with a boat staying past sunset on Boca Chita Key must pay the boat docking / camping fee (currently $35). If you are getting dropped off, then you pay the camping-only fee (currently $25). If you have the app on your phone, you can pay by credit card when you arrive. Scan the QR Code at the dock kiosk. If there is no phone service, you can still make the payment. Information is stored in the app and payment will be processed when you get to a location with cell service.
You can also pay by cash, but you won’t be getting any change. Pick up a payment envelope at the dock-side kiosk, fill out the information, tear off your receipt, and place the envelope with your payment into the collection box.
Those in small boats like the one I and my buddy, Mike, arrived in, a 13′ Boston Whaler, need to be aware that during low tide your boat can end up slightly under the dock. When high tide comes in, it can get stuck as it rises and can be damaged or sunk. It’s like riding up an elevator with your arm sticking out of the door. We had to tie an anchor to the side and toss it towards the center of the harbor to keep the boat away from the dock. Do this before you get too drunk and forget about it.
The entrance to the harbor at low tide is only 4′ deep. To figure low tide, add 1 hour and 43 minutes to Miami’s Government Cut tide schedule. High tide is plus 1 hour and 24 minutes.
Except for service dogs, no pets allowed on the island or even in your boat. Park Rangers will ask you to leave if they spot any pets.
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Last updated on January 19, 2024