Biscayne National Park | CAMPING

Camping on Boca Chita Key in Biscayne National Park

Camping on Boca Chita Key in Biscayne National Park

Tent camping at Biscayne National Park is allowed on Boca Chita Key and Elliott Key, plus you can sleep in your boat if docked overnight on these two islands. Adams Key is for day-use only, so there is no overnight camping or docking. There are no campgrounds on the mainland at Convoy Point, but there are private campgrounds in Homestead, Florida.

To reach either of the island campgrounds you need a boat—obviously. The park concessionaires are not currently providing a pick-up / drop-off service for campers, so you must either have your own boat, have a friend with a boat, or find somebody to give you a ride. 

Please visit the individual campground web page for more information.

Boca Chita Key Campground

Elliott Key Campground

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Last updated on November 1, 2023
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